Intuitive Development: Strategy for Holistic Living

~ Self-Paced Activity
Section #2


 Shirley Knapp
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Intuitive Development: Strategy for Holistic Living is Section #2 of the Practice of Holistic Self-Healing




1. Discuss intuition to promote a healthy assessment of personal and professional life. 1. Specific techniques to develop insight and release fears.

 a. How quiet time and meditation
    encourage inner knowing.

 b. Explore your “inner knowing”.

 c. Identify and name “fears”.

2. Apply the methods of intuitive healing. 2. How journal exercises uncover fears that adversely affect lives.

 a. Intuition comes from your heart
    and not your mind.

 b. Establish a quiet place for meditation.

 c. Learn to clear the mind and allow insight to come through.

3. Describe the experience of developing the connection between the body, mind and spirit.


3. A visualizing meditation encourages inner strength with a new way of experiencing stressors.

 a. Identifying and releasing fear patterns.

 b. Experience trust in self.

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